The Gay Marriage Ruling and the Unification Church

I have written several commentaries on homosexual marriage on this blog and on my human rights/political blog. My beliefs are clear and so are those of the Unification Church.

Just the other day my wife and I were reading pages upon pages of Reverend Moon’s words from some of His endless speeches in which He derided the homosexual culture as utterly satanic and a sign of the downfall of this once great nation.

This confusion over homosexual marriage, this loss of a national moral compass could have all been avoided if Reverend Moon’s message had not been rejected some forty years ago. Along with the words of our recent study, Reverend Moon went around this nation on several speaking tours warning of exactly what has become of this nation today. He spoke at Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, The National Mall in Washington DC and every major city across the country in the 1970’s.

Reverend Moon was mocked and ridiculed yet today exactly what he predicted would become of the United States has come to pass for all to see. Christianity exists today in a complete state of confusion. Few religious leaders speak out against homosexuality. Several mainstream churches have embraced homosexual marriage and clergy.

One Christian community, in part, did receive Reverend Moon’s message. That was the black community. The black Christian community is far less confused on the issue of homosexuality despite its myriad of hardships.

The Unification Church is known for their mass weddings; Holy Weddings. We are absolutely opposed to homosexual marriage. Several members of the Unification Church created abstinence only programs in public schools; they pioneered these programs which have since been banned in the majority of school districts. The church continues to teach ideal marriages of one man and one woman. We are also staunch anti-communists and communism is the true goal of the various movements of dissatisfaction. The Unification Church, in the process of transforming itself into a federation of families under The Family Federation for World Peace, continues to preach a world centered on God. The movement has worked continuously in the fields of science and academia, as well as the media, again for decades.

Though the multitudinous events of the many organizations established by Reverend Moon are ignored by Christianity and the mainstream media, where would this nation be without them? Who else has stepped up to the challenge? Who else is defending God before all mankind from the forces of atheistic communism and their agents of evil?

Have not the Christian churches and even most conservative talking heads given up the fight for the morals of this nation, in regards to the homosexual agenda? Yes, given up. They accept homosexuals as a given and though they may not say it outright; they suggest it’s how God made them; a complete capitulation.

There is not one scientific study that has shown that homosexuality is not a choice. There is no evidence at all that this perversion, of God’s intention for His children, is the way God made them. There is no physical attribute one can point to and say, “This is what makes this person homosexual.” But, “Just look at them, talk to them,” some will say, “and it is more than apparent that this is their natural disposition.”

Poppycock. Let me introduce you to forty people. Now I tell you that twenty, half of these people, are professors and professional politicians and the other half are plumbers and welders. “Please tell me which persons belong to which group?” I will ask you. Even if I were to dress all these people the same, chances are you will not fail to identify which person belongs to which group with 100% accuracy.

The point being, the lifestyle or profession one choses shapes one’s appearance; their build, their mannerisms, their sensibilities etc. Homosexuals were not made that way, they made themselves that way. And like all prisoners of the ways of evil evil they seek to justify their deeds by drawing as many people as possible into complicity with them. We all must approve of the homosexual lifestyle or else. All your children must not only be over sexualized at increasingly younger ages in our public schools but must be exposed to homosexual acts so they can, not understand their true nature, be shaped into the image of the evil of the day. This humanistic culture demands that we all feel good about ourselves, obliterate any concepts of judgment. In this process of supposed self-affirmation any concept of that which may exist beyond the self is lost.

In light of the Unification Church’s beliefs are we not an easy target for the homosexual marriage movement and the powers of the left in their drive to strip this nation’s citizens of their religious freedoms?

Reverend Moon was a target in the past. It was His conviction for tax evasion that opened the door for many religious leaders, who if now do not believer in Reverend Moon Himself believe in His words, to receive Reverend Moon’s message. They recognized that the case brought against Reverend Moon was groundless and was simply an attack on religious liberties, namely tax exempt status. They stood by Reverend Moon and came to recognize His virtue.

If this government attempts to promote it’s goals to eliminate religion in society by going after the Holy Weddings established by Reverend Moon and His Wife (whom we refer to as the True Parents), a similar and even greater outpouring of support will manifest. This revived movement to bring God back to this nation will be spearheaded by a traditional bulwark of the leftist cause; the black community; African American if that makes a difference to you.

Such a strategy by this government of attacking my church’s Holy Weddings, and what I believe will be the natural reaction of black Christian communities, will only further confuse the state of mainstream Christianity. It will shake Christianity to its very core.

In an assault on the Holy Weddings this government will not be attacking what they most likely consider the weakest link, by targeting Reverend Moon once again. On the contrary they will be attacking the strongest most highly reasoned philosophical/theological bulwark of human morals and values that exists in the world today. Such a case very likely would uphold the religious liberty of The Family Federation for World Peace and open the door for the complete stripping of the religious liberties of mainstream Christian culture.

Why!? How could that be?

I have covered this topic before in several different posts from several perspectives.

God as revealed by Reverend Moon never intended mankind to fall. This evil world was not in His plan. It was man’s, God’s children who hold God’s very creative nature, failure that brought about man’s fall. It is this evil, something not of God, that separates us from God, because God will have nothing to do with what is not of His creation or plan.

In traditional Christianity God’s power is commonly expressed as; God can do anything He wants, He is God. He raised Jesus from death. He will return in great glory out of the sky (but not in a spaceship like Heaven’s Gate believed, …why not? how will He stay up there in the clouds?) and will judge the world with fire. This belief creates two problems for Christianity.

First if God is all powerful and He predestined everything why does He allow evil and suffering to exist and why hasn’t Jesus returned already. God is all powerful so what does that say about God? God is all powerful and predestined everything so if someone is homosexual, it must be how God made them?

Are you confused yet?

Second and more important in regards to religious liberty, in Christianity’s view of the judgment those who do not believe, that are not saved, are condemned to eternal damnation. In some teachings, the souls of the condemned will simply cease to exist. What does this suggest? That in the end we are not all equal. Some are better than others, The weak construct that we are ignorant of God’s ways and must treat everyone with love, which may be claimed attainable within the love of Christ, to the mind of reason suggests rather an inherent inequality.

Do you see the problem?

“From eternity to eternity”, the phrase is in the Bible. So what does ‘eternal’ damnation mean? In the least a very very extremely unbelievably long time. In the Teachings of Reverend Moon hell must one day be no more.

The all powerful God revealed by Reverend Moon did not intend evil for His children. God’s power is expressed in His unconditional and unending love that in the end will draw all men back to Him and His ways. This is the ultimate power according to Reverend Moon; Love. Hard for the left to deny that reality under their current strategies.

But more to the point, all of mankind, without exception, are destined to return to God’s original intent for each individual. Until that day God will not be fulfilled, and all who love God will not be able to rejoice together with Him. God as revealed by Reverend Moon is a suffering God, a God who suffers along with each and every one of His children. The ultimate Kingdom of Heaven is all or nothing. In that light every individual holds the same value as any other. There is no inherent inequality under the teachings of Reverend Moon. There is no possible justification in placing the value of any individual over that of another.

If the government should target the Holy Weddings established by Reverend Moon and we effectively defend our liberties, Christianity will not necessarily share in that victory. Where the teachings of Reverend Moon may be expounded and recognized through the government’s persecution, Christianity, here in this nation which I have often described as the fruit of all of Christian history, may be stripped of its liberties.

Absolutely I believe Reverend Moon is the second coming, not Jesus Christ Himself but the model of Adam which God from the beginning has been working to establish here on this earth. The Holy Wedding the True Parents have established resolves the original sin, which man can only overcome with the Messiah. That is the Messiah’s purpose. “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

My beliefs are offensive, heretical and despised by the mainstream Christian world. I am destined for hell in more absolute terms than any sinner according to most of the traditional systems of Christian belief, in their hundreds if not thousands varying interpretations of the same words of the Bible. Christianity has far more sympathy for the sinner than those who profess a different doctrine. Hell, they have homosexual clergy, Bishops even.

Look at the world. Why has Christianity become so impotent in this modern age? Why are the teachings unable to sway the hearts and minds of young people, to embrace science? I’m not speaking of this church or that church, but across the world overall, in governments and societies, in schools and families.

Some forty years after Jesus began preaching in Jerusalem, where he was rejected and crucified by the Romans, the city was laid waste and Judaism lost its object of faith; the Temple. Then Christianity rose out of the Roman Empire, the same empire that killed Jesus, destroyed the Temple and persecuted the new faith.


All Time Favorites

The Freedom Society

The First Time I Met Reverend Moon

Religion and Politics

The Truth

Why the Unification Church Will Never Approve Homosexual Marriages