In God’s Hands

At this moment Reverend Moon may very well have ascended to the next life. I do not know. He has been suffering from pneumonia since early August and recently has been on several life support machines. He has been cared for at St Mary’s Catholic Hospital in Seoul until a day or two ago. As His liver began to fail the doctor’s reported that medically there was nothing more they could do.

Reverend Moon was transported to Cheong Shim Hospital at the Unification Church’s Cheong Pyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center in the mountains outside of Seoul. It is in a holy place, part of a much larger campus much like the Vatican, and the spiritual support and environment is much more uplifting for what ever the outcome may be.

I myself feel inept and unworthy at such a pinnacle moment in history. I regret that I have not been able to bring those in my life, whether family, friends, my neighbors or larger community, an understanding of Reverend Moon as the True Parent and that these times are the last days in which God’s Kingdom can be established on this earth.

Reverend Moon has spoken in the past, He is always speaking when He can, that He will live to 117, but also that He may die very soon. If you understand the Church’s view of predestination this is very in line with the teachings. Man has responsibility and God cannot interfere or control the outcome, only work over and over for the fulfillment of His will until man responds, and then it can finally be accomplished.

Many healings have been testified to over the years at the Training Center. I have some lesser healing experiences myself there. I have profited greatly in my spiritual life from the work the saints of our church carry out there to free our members from the spiritual burdens we carry from our ancestors and others.

The church has been praying and fasting these last few weeks for his recovery. We are all hoping for a miracle as we know Reverend Moon has been working towards still greater accomplishments this coming year. All your prayers of support are greatly appreciated.

I have copies of Reverend Moon’s biography that I would be happy to give to anyone interested.


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