The Future of China and God’s Providence

I pray everyday for this world and God’s Providence. I read one of Reverend Moon’s speeches years ago in which He explained that He has been praying for China everyday for over twenty years. I also heard that Reverend Moon has said that everyone should read the Bible from cover to cover at least five times. It was one of the first things I set my mind to do after I joined.

As I pray everyday, day after day, China is a part of those prayers. The Unification of North and South Korea is a much bigger part. It is central to God’s Providence that Korea be reunited for the establishment of God’s Kingdom here on this earth.

Recently I read a story that an airplane, identical to the one Kim Jung Un flies in crashed in North Korea. Though the leader of North Korea was not on the plane speculation resurfaced as to what would become of North Korea if the Kim family rule came to an end.

The biggest threat to the reunification of Korea, especially if instability should strike the North, is China. China claims vast territories, that currently are recognized by the international community as being under the sovereignty of other nations, as their own. It is not just islands and waters they dispute ownership of but also their neighbors sovereign lands.

China is historically the most aggressive nation the world has ever known. Before South Korea created a shared economic development region in the North, most all of North Korea’s economy was geared towards China.

If the political structure of North Korea should fail or falter, China could very likely claim the territory as their own. This would be a disastrous blow to God’s Providence. If one views history as a struggle between good and evil, involving also the unseen world, then China would be classified as a threat to the cause of the good. China is a powerful potential threat to the reunification of Korea.

It is important for the well being of millions upon millions that China maintain stability; the ability to provide for its people. The Unification Church, like so many others, have invested in China with this common understanding despite China’s short comings.

Yet, if a nation should act contrary to the desires of God and the goals of His Providence, that nation can quickly lose its blessings. The Chinese stock market is teetering on the brink of catastrophes. No one has a clue as to what will happen next.

The previous means of investment for the Chinese people also exhibits signs of danger. Before the common citizen was allowed to invest in the stock market, housing was the only investment option available.

There are two problems with Chinese housing. First, if the economy does not continue to expand, if they cannot fill the units being built with people who have jobs, the bubble will burst. Second is a question of quality. 60 Minutes and others have covered the Chinese housing market. Entire cities stand empty, waiting for the jobs and people to arrive. But more troubling is the state of the contractors. They have been reported to be in debt. A shell game of funds keeps the whole construction market going.

When I lived in South Korea a good part of a major apartment complex was found to be constructed with inferior concrete. It had to be demolished, parts would crumble in one’s hand. This is what happens when contractors experience money troubles. True, contractors in China could face the firing squad for inferior construction, but considering all the levels upon levels of corruption and graft in China I have little faith in the quality of the Chinese housing market.

The reality is China’s economy could collapse at any time, or it could not. The total collapse of the Chinese economy could bring down the government itself. Millions of lives could be in jeopardy. This would bring to an end any covetous desires the Chinese may have towards their neighbors.

From my perspective, the future and well being of China and the Chinese people hinges on their governments intentions in regards to the reunification of Korea.

Without regard to the evils of communism, how many in China, or anywhere in the world, consider that the fate of hundreds of millions, the downfall or continued prosperity of China’s economy, rests on China’s designs for North Korea?


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