The Breaking News
In Mark 8:27-30 Jesus asked his disciples who they thought He was. When Peter answered correctly, Jesus warned His disciples not to tell anyone. Many have accused the Unification Church of keeping secrets; not being straight forward as to what we believe. We believe that Jesus came just as Adam and was born to establish God’s lineage here on this earth. That God had no plan, desire or intention of seeing his children fall into the hands of what had become Satan. And God being unchanging, His plans never changing, the goal of His providence has been to do what he intended from the beginning by establishing a new Adam, a second Adam, Jesus to start God’s lineage here on this earth into which all would be engrafted, restoring all to God’s original intention. So when Jesus, Divine and one with God unlike ourselves, could not establish this family talk of a second coming began. And this second coming is of the same goal as Adam in the Garden of Eden and Jesus in Israel. The second c...