Reverend Moon's Autobiography

Originally posted June 8, 2010 I will keep this post current and new posts will follow. Reverend Moon's autobiography was a year long best seller in Korea and has now been translated into English. Having read the second addition here is my review. It starts with a bit of altruism mixed into the events and people of Reverend Moon's early life before going into a more direct and detail telling of his childhood through young adulthood. It is a fascinating read, and understanding his family and background you can see well where the character and drive to become such an accomplished not only religious leader but world leader came from. Reverend Moon ripping a rail off a bridge walkway and using it to fight off Japanese police who were there to arrest him, as he was part of the Korean underground in his youth, one such memorable story. Turning more to stories of how and why he developed particular organizations it again becomes more altruistic. You get an idea of Reverend M...