Roaming Rants and Rambles

A couple of months ago, my wife showed me a site on the Internet of a break away group of the Japanese Unification Church. It featured photos and profiles of the central people of the new organization. Many, my wife said, were very respected and prominent members of the Japanese Church. The reasoning behind their break was not opposition of Reverend Moon, so they claim, but a ... protest?... the taking of a stand? Trying to do things better? She couldn't find the right words in English or just didn't want to get into a long story. One of those profiles looked like a man I worked with many years ago in Rhode Island. At that time a young Japanese member, one of many, who had come to work in America. He was not truly steeped in the strict Samurai like traditions of the Japanese church, more of a street wise character with a bit of a wild streak. He worked under another young Japanese member and they didn't get along. They had heated disagreements and clashes of character. A...